Spotlight on a Wallflower

This wallflower enjoyed a brief appearance in my recent post Patchwork Colours in the Botanic Garden, 25 Oct 2017.

At the time I knew nothing about the plant but two readers commented favourably on it so today I looked for a name and was successful.

These photos were taken by Nigel Sat 28 Oct at Dunedin Botanic Garden.

Erysimum bicolor, Brassica family. From Madeira, Canary Islands.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARock garden, Dunedin Botanic Garden. Same area where I took my photo the other day.

While wandering along a path in the lower garden, we came across another specimen of the same plant. We were excited to find a more compact form growing beside it!


Its a bit shady where they are and the plants are reaching out toward the sun.


Finally, here are two photos of the more compact form. When we have our own garden again I’d love to grow both of these plants!



Text by Exploring Colour and photos taken by Nigel (2017)


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