On We Go

After finding the Ettrick Santa (Boxing Day) we returned home via Moa Flat. From the car I'd previously spotted some unusual-looking plants on steep banks at the side of the road (heading up the hill from Ettrick). Nigel found a spot to park and we traipsed through the long grasses and wandered along the top... Continue Reading →


On my birthday 31 October, we visited Dunedin Botanic Garden (x2) and returned for another look on 01 November. It was surprising how much had changed since early October when we were last here.

Bluff Mural | Post02

Following on from my last post.. same mural, different angle. --The bird at the top is a mutton bird, Tītī, or sooty shearwater - plump chicks are prized as a food source for those Māori whose genealogy allows the right to visit the Tītī Islands to participate in the seasonal harvest. There are 21 such... Continue Reading →

Fantastic Mural, Bluff

Bluff's a small port town with heaps of character, right down the bottom of the South Island, and there you can drive to Stirling Point and look out over Foveaux Strait. Bluff is famous for oysters and it's also where you get the ferry to cross Foveaux Strait to Stewart Island (maybe a wild ride).... Continue Reading →


From the birthday trip, a few hours later than yesterday's Lotti's Lookout. Beach at Taieri Mouth (near the campground) 11 July 2023. Clutha District, New Zealand

Popping Pink

This Euonymous that we found yesterday afternoon at Moa Flat is a real beauty. As you can see it was a perfect autumn afternoon!

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