Old World Charm

“Hollyhocks provide excellent architectural height, contrast and a certain amount of old world charm to cottage gardens and border backgrounds. Also effective when grown against walls or fences.”
~Missouri Botanical Garden [website]

Photos taken at Clyde in Central Otago, New Zealand .. 07 Dec 2021.

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)

Photos 1 and 2: hollyhock flowering by a churchyard wall.

Photos 3 and 4: garden hollyhock — flower buds

Text and photos by Liz; Exploring Colour (2021/2022)

12 thoughts on “Old World Charm

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    1. Thank you, I was looking forward to hearing about what you think of these! Old world charm is something to treasure when we have the opportunity. And the town of Clyde is amazing with lots of stone buildings and walls PLUS hollyhocks, which seem to THRIVE there! It’s a great combination 🙂

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        1. Yes, Clyde would be a wonderful place to live although if the town’s big hydro dam gave way.. hmm.. we’d decided a while ago that even if we could afford to buy there (we can’t) we’d not take the risk! Right *below* a big dam.

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