Stuff, by Harold Davis

As George Carlin put it in one of his most memorable routines, a house is nothing but a pile of stuff with a cover on it. In contrast, I suppose a home might be something more important than the mere stuff in a house, having to do with where the heart is. Since a home is where the heart is, it is transportable: your home is where ever your family and those you love are.

In any case, love stuff or hate it, we all seem to gather it. Here are two photos, and one variation, of some of the stuff in my house, made with a macro lens on a black background of some of our stuff. The first image shows flowers from my garden that have been drying for a while, along with shells, lichen, a sea horse, and a blue jay feather I found on a walk the other day.

Collection © Harold Davis

The next image is of a pile of elastic bands, specifically, rubber elastic bands used to keep hair under control. I’ve been telling Phyllis I would photograph these for years, and somehow she never believed I really would. Finally (far below) I made an LAB adjustment in Photoshop, by equalizing the L-channel, of the elastic band image, with somewhat surprising results.

Elastic Bands
Elastic Bands © Harold Davis
Elastic Bands - L-channel Equalization
Elastic Bands – L-channel Equalization © Harold Davis

© Harold Davis. All rights reserved.

Stuff was posted by Harold Davis on July 29, 2019.  Link to original post

Harold Davis is very well-known, an American photographer and digital artist from Berkeley, California. He’s also written over twenty books and runs workshops.

Harold’s website and blog showcase his creative work and provide a huge body of information and resources.  Website  |  Blog

I particularly enjoyed his recent blog-post  Weaving with Light  (very colourful)

When I started the “Where and What is Beauty?” guest-post series, Harold very kindly contributed the first guest post  On Beauty and Art

I’ve also reblogged a few of his  blog-posts and some individual images

Any writing or images by Harold Davis on my blog are here with his permission.

Posted by Liz Cowburn, Exploring Colour (2019)

12 thoughts on “Stuff, by Harold Davis

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  1. I discovered Harold Davis’s blog through one of your re-posts, so now I’m following it. 🙂 (I have one of his excellent books and I’d looked at his website before but hadn’t been so aware of his blog.)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome Harold! I’m enjoying your blog and it’s easy to keep up with it ‘cos I’ve added it to my WordPress reader. (A great tool.)


  2. The elastic bands are fun, but the first photo’s pure delight. I have a good bit of such ‘stuff’ around my place, although I’ve never photographed it. Well, except for the hank of buffalo hair that a fellow pulled off the beast and handed to me while we were bouncing through the herd in an old truck. But, yes: feathers and shells I have — and a lot of fossils from the limestone around Texas.

    I love seeing people’s collections of such things, and yours is a good one. I especially like the two red flowers on either side of the seahorse’s tail–what are those? They look like our zinnias, but I suspect they’re something else.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, the flowers are dried Strawflowers, Xerochrysum bracteatum, native to Australia (but they grow well here too!). I think I’ve been drying these since last summer, so almost a year.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Benjamin and I had visited here earlier today, but it was nearly time to prepare for his departure, leaving no time to comment. After I had read the edited version of the post to him, he looked at the first photo and declared : “This is not stuff, it’s treasures ‘specially that seahorse!” Spoken like a true collector of the many “treasures” he accumulates when we go adventuring. He has quite an array of bird feathers, dried bugs, stones and shells amongst his other great finds. Of the second photo, he agrees that it is stuff. Thank-you for sharing this post!

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