Cornus Flowers in Bannerman Park

Yesterday I posted a photo of a Cornus (dogwood) tree in Bannerman Park taken by Nigel on 20 Dec 2018. While we were there I found a good position for a closer photo of the blooms and Nigel also took a shot from the same place. Here are both photos with similar composition.

cornus_branch_01Taken by Nigel

cornus_branch_02Taken by Liz

Text by Liz, photos by Nigel and Liz; Exploring Colour (2018)

14 thoughts on “Cornus Flowers in Bannerman Park

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    1. What a joy to hear about your ancient pink dogwoods! In the south of NZ dogwoods do very well and we enjoy seeing their lovely flowers in private gardens and public parks. Very fond of them!

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  1. Interesting to see two almost identical photos and compare them. I was trying to pick a favourite, but each has its good points.

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  2. It’s fascinating to compare the two shots of the lovely blooms, Liz. From the perspective of composition, I prefer the second one in which the fence post is in a less prominent position the left rather than in the center, which helps the eye focus more on the flowers.


    1. Thank you Mike! I like it you took time to consider and comment. The green doesn’t look as good in my photo; perhaps if I get Nigel to set my cell to larger files, it’ll get more info and look better. We both use the same brand cellphone but his is newer.


      1. No problem, Chris. I love photographing the same scene with another photographer, especially when we are using different gear. I have done that several times with my friend Walter Sanford and we have had companion blog postings. Some people say that the camera simply captures reality, but in fact the photographer makes a lot of choices that influence how that “reality” is presented.

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        1. Just saw your next msg pop up. Hahaha.. that made me laugh and I wondered how “Chris” had got into the conversation! You’re so right, when you think about it there’s nothing particularly “real” about a photograph!


          1. Chris is Christine Danger. She and her husband Wade publish a blog called They are from Australia and live fulltime aboard a sailboat. I had just responded to a comment from her and her name was in my mind.

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