Bless This Mess

Diversity, an unexpected surprise, things a little out of place.. can be a blessing in disguise. Oamaru Public Gardens, Waitaki, New Zealand. The unusual grass is native.. Carex secta. Photos taken 04 October.

At Home

Some plants from our garden. Native kakabeak, our new maple, and another pic that I took of Nigel's wildflower garden. I managed to find a Christchurch nursery with Hebe rigidula for sale and bought a carton-full (9 plants).. delivered on Friday and planted by Nigel today (Sunday). I'm also creating more plants myself, the proud... Continue Reading →

Wych Elm

Wych elm, Scots elm. I took the photos in the public garden at Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand.. 05 October.

Native Flowers

These photos of native New Zealand spring flowers were taken at Dunedin Botanic Garden, 05 September 2023. Beautiful time of the year to visit the gardens! Chatham Island forget-me-not. Myosotidium hortensia. Corokia x virgata 'Frosted Chocolate'. Also a good hedge plant. Big kōwhai trees on a hillside, laden with yellow blossom.Sophora sp. Red kakabeak flowers... Continue Reading →


I'm assuming these are Aquilegia, or Columbine as they're commonly known. I saw them at the public garden at Alexandra and enjoyed both blooms and seed heads (if that's what the strange shaped things are). Central Otago, New Zealand. Also.. I might be trying a new theme soon, or even a succession of them. If... Continue Reading →

Seasonal Change

Pretty rose growing over a pergola at Alexandra public garden.. here's some photos from two separate visits, one in spring and one in summer.

Lotti’s Lookout

We'd stopped briefly at a tiny country village called Waitahuna and tried to rejoin the highway via country lanes. An unexpected pleasure was finding this super-cute rest spot set on a wide, grassy roadside verge. Someone had set up a very solid bench seat with rustic sign, and a garden bed near the seat. A... Continue Reading →

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