Snow in Idaho

Steve Denehan is an Irish poet, from Kildare. I’ve added website/twitter links below.

He shared this poem yesterday via twitter, I love it!

Snow in Idaho

~by Steve Denehan

We are told that no two snowflakes are alike
winter fingerprints
we accept this without question
but perhaps there is a snowflake falling
in Denmark
right now
the mirror of one falling in Idaho
no one is keeping tabs
as far as I know

when this poem began to crystallise
I assumed that it was a snowflake
a collection of words and letters frozen
in perfect uniqueness
but for all I know
there is someone in Iran
or on a train in Sudan
exactly what I write
as I write it

either way
the words will go the way of the snowflakes
landing on the recesses of your mind
before melting
into nothing

~poem by Steve Denehan
~from the second Loft Anthology

Reading Snow in Idaho made me curious so I tweeted in response…

Does anyone take fingerprints of snowflakes? ~what if .. there’s snow fakes? 😀

Steve’s website has more poems, and links to buy his books.

I follow him on Twitter at @SteverinoD

Here’s a couple of interesting cacti photos.
The white spirals – they be like fake snow!

Click on either photo to enlarge.

~from the Winter Garden Glasshouse, cacti and succulents area.
~Dunedin Botanic Garden. New Zealand.

Text and photos by Liz; Poem by Steve Denehan ~used with permission.
Exploring Colour (2021)

16 thoughts on “Snow in Idaho

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  1. Fun post, especially the fakes vs flakes debate! Snow flakes trying to get in where they aren’t allowed!
    And Steve’s poem can sure take you down a weird line of thought, perhaps best left to “melt into nothing”!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your “interpretation” of the fake snow combined with Steve’s poetry. A few of my cacti have the fine hairs those in your photographs do. And, of course, there are the “old man” cacti with their beards. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Steve. Within the last hour I was talking to Nigel about separating the fakes from the flakes!!! I just can’t let it go 🙂 I don’t think of myself as being much interested in cacti .. until I walk past a collection, and yeah, I love those “old man” cacti 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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