Red and White Rhodos

In the last blog-post the white petals on the path were from the white Rhododendron in this post. Much later in the day Nigel and I were walking back to the carpark along a lane lined with trees and shrubs, and he spotted the red Rhodo and its fallen petals beautifully illuminated by the late... Continue Reading →

Marvellous Maple

Yesterday we were back in Dunedin again - but unplanned this time. As soon as we'd arrived back home from our last visit, earlier in the week, my laptop started making a racket of a noise that wouldn't go away. I've periodically had problems but this time it sounded pretty final! I got some stuff... Continue Reading →

Play of Light

I took these photos early this year at the lovely public garden in Gore, 08 January. That's full-on summer in NZ. I enjoyed how the light was highlighting parts of the shady under-storey in this patch of the garden. It has some taller trees but well-lit otherwise - so the light has a habit of... Continue Reading →


Last night I made a start on tidying my Gmail account (it'll be a long process). In a folder of 'Keepsakes' I found a message Nigel sent me, 31 March 2010. Attached was a morning moon shot taken where we lived back then, in the alpine tourist resort of Queenstown. I found I still like... Continue Reading →

Burning Birches

Birch trees next-door, lit up at sunset. Blazing in the fiery glow! Taken ~5.30pm by Nigel. Tapanui, West Otago, New Zealand.

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