Ap-peeling Bark

Does this appeal?

New Zealand tree fuchsia, Fuchsia excorticata. Kōtukutuku.
Endemic to NZ.

Tree fuchsia has papery, orangish bark that peels off in strips. When we had our goats they loved to gobble the crispy, papery strips of bark.

Tree Fuchsia, Southland

Click on either photo to enlarge. Two different locations. Taken by Nigel

Text by Liz, photos by Nigel; Exploring Colour (2020)

16 thoughts on “Ap-peeling Bark

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    1. Oh good, your post had a link to the madrone so I could see that as well! The young madrone had some similarities, particularly in colour. Judging by the bare branches the madrone releases its bark more readily than our fuchsia (which tends to have lots of loose bark hanging off it at any time). Perhaps there are animals that eat the loose bark off the madrone?


      1. I don’t know about that because I rarely come across a madrone here. Our very common Ashe juniper trees also often have hanging bark, and I do know that at least one bird species uses that as nesting material (but doesn’t eat it).

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  1. The paperbark maple has become a pretty popular ornamental in New York, I think in part, because we have so many months of “leaflessness.” They’re also a nice option, instead of paper birches that used to be a standard accent trees around here, because those were dying pretty frequently, after being attacked by birch borers, leaf miners, and fungal infections. I really get a kick out of the shaggy bark, it just reminded me of peeling the loose bark, from the London planetrees in front of my grandparents’ house.

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  2. It ap-peel-s to me. We have a paperbark maple that looks similar apart from the living part. Ours died two years ago and I haven’t removed it because the leaves may be gone but the peeling bark still appeals…and we can’t decide what should replace it.

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    1. That’s interesting Steve. I’d jazzed up these images to use in a tweet-response to a botanic gardens person (NZer) on twitter because they’d tweeted a paperbark maple – and I wanted to show the similar papery texture of our native fuchsia. Afterwards I decided to re-use the same images in this post 🙂


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