Live For The Day

These leaves put on a blazing, bright display before the inevitable fall, to lie around in the litter and eventually decay. To me they say …

Live for the day, brighten each moment, be brave! Don’t worry too much about tomorrow, else you’ll forfeit the joy of today.

Photos taken by Nigel during our local walk on Anzac Day 25 April 2020

— Tapanui, West Otago, New Zealand

Text by Liz, photos by Nigel; Exploring Colour (2020)

28 thoughts on “Live For The Day

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  1. Wise words, Liz! And I love the idea of ‘colour to live by’ – very appropriate for your blog! The leaves are a magnificent colour. It looks like a smoke bush (cotinus), which we have in our front garden, but ours doesn’t go so red.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that’s right, Nigel said it was Cotinus! You see them a lot down here with the pink smoke but we have seen one in the past with white smoke that was stunning and we can’t remember where we saw it – like, no idea! How could we forget? We don’t even seem to have a photo!

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Ours is a purple one – Cotinus coggyria ‘Grace’ and it looks lovely when the light shines through its leaves in the evening. There’s a white-flowered bush called ‘Kanari’ with lemon-yellow leaves…maybe that’s it?

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              1. That article was where i saw it, LOL! But I wasn’t sure about including a link in case that made WordPress chuck my comment into your spam! 🙂

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                1. LOL! One link’s no problem. More than that and I think it gets held for moderation. The purple cotinus is common all over the south but other forms seem to be hard to find.

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. Good thoughts, Liz. I especially like your use of the word “forfeit” … makes me ponder what we give up willingly or unwillingly.

    That blazing tree sure has plenty of joy to give to any day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much Ellen, forfeit did seem like just the right word! My mum had a more challenging life than most and nobody could’ve blamed her for being bitter, one of her younger sisters was. But mum was the most kind, gentle, joyful person around and that’s always in my mind… that to some extent it’s a choice of what you focus on.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! That is so true about choice and attitude, Liz.

        Sorry if you are getting repeated notices that I like this comment. I’m trying out the WP interface on Safari on my iPad and the icon keeps turning off— so many mysteries.

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      1. And as you gradually move into a cleaner closer to completely virus free environment. I have to say congratulations to your PM and all Kiwis. I realize that you are not completely out of the woods, but as a nation, and as individuals, you are certainly on the correct path. I very much admire you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Michael. There’s a feeling of hope in the air here in NZ, a relief that our commitment is paying off. Only two new cases reported yesterday and at L3 we have a few more freedoms, life’s slightly more normal 🙂

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