Held In Suspense

‘Kupenga Sisters’ by Jasmine Clark (Arrowtown). Made from woven copper wire, supplejack* and ratan. Viewed during my birthday visit to the 2019 Arts Gold Finalists Exhibition at Central Stories Museum and Art Gallery, Alexandra, Central Otago, New Zealand. Very graceful I thought, and I love the shadow effects!

First two photos are mine, the third was taken by Nigel. Click on photo to enlarge.




* Supplejack is a NZ native vine that’s very tough and common in lowland forests. It climbs up any handy support and in the absence of a support just grows itself into a huge tangle on the ground. It can make walking through the bush really difficult, even impossible!

Here’s a photo taken by Nigel. Supplejack or Ripogonum scandens (with red fruits).


If you want to see more info/photos of supplejack:

Supplejack Vine  via Edible Wild Food

TERRAIN – Ripogonum scandens (Supplejack vine)

Text by Liz, photos by Liz and Nigel; Exploring Colour (2019)

9 thoughts on “Held In Suspense

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  1. The woven sculpture is amazing. It reminds me of a sculpture of fishing nets commemorating the female divers (haenyeo) on Jeju island in South Korea- 80 year old women who deep dive for conch and urchins

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  2. You’re presenting some very nice art there in NZ, these constructions are neat, a nice suggestion of both fish, and fish nets. And I’m delighted to know “supplejack” that’s a new word for me.

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  3. I love woven wire – I’ve done a little bit of weaving and used some in making some tiny wall-hangings, but the wire was hidden. These are beautifully sculptural and their shadows add to the interest. I can see that the supplejack would be tricky to deal with – wouldn’t like that to appear in my garden, hehe!

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    1. Supplejack is quite fascinating when you see it in the wild and given that I usually stick to paths when I’m in the bush it doesn’t usually get in my way. At least it doesn’t have prickles or barbs like some other nasties! I like almost all plants except for our native nettle which has to be one of the most diabolical plants in the world and truly evil.

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