Magnolia Petals

Even when the magnolia flowers are old and falling to bits, the petals still look pretty scattered on the ground. Nigel and I took these photos in Gore Public Gardens on 23 September 2018. Gore, Southland, New Zealand





First two photos taken by Nigel, last two taken by Liz

Posted by Liz; Exploring Colour (2018)

16 thoughts on “Magnolia Petals

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    1. Thank you Ellen, like you I thought they look really well together. Its great seeing effects like this because once you know, then you can plan ahead to achieve the same thing in your own garden. Definitely something I’d keep in mind for future reference 🙂

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  1. When I lived near Edinburgh, I used to visit a park that had lots of pink cherry blossom. When it fell off the trees, it carpeted the ground in pink and made it look as if there was pink snow everywhere! 🙂

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